Minimalism & Our Eco-Friendly Journey


I’ve changed a great deal over the five odd years that I’ve been trading as Heavenly Organics Skin Care.


When I first begun, I wanted my first ever products, body scrubs, to be in glass kilner jars. During my research, I was informed that the production of glass causes more CO2 emissions than that of plastic PET containers. I therefore decided to opt for PET. Over the years, as I increased the product range, so I introduced more plastic packaging.

One day I made the connection; this is not right!

So for approximately a year and a half we’ve been using more glass jars and bottles and aluminium jars.

I believe that there’s a natural inclination to reuse glass than plastic, which tends to end up in the recycling bin…..and then where does it really go to from there?


At Heavenly Organics HQ we sterilise used glass jars and bottles & reuse them. We cannot do this with plastic, the plastic ends up looking misty and scratched.


So, to offer an incentive for customers, we’re now offering customers £2 off their next order when they return glass containers to us. Of course we also sell refills of products where possible and we have a whole section dedicated to refills on our webshop.


My other journey has been more personal but it inevitably merges with my business.

It began when my lovely friend Katy, of Little Miss Meat Free told me about Minimalism, the documentary. I watched in on Netflix and absolutely loved it. I already live a fairly minimalistic lifestyle and don’t feel that I am caught up in consumerism. Yet I learnt a lot from this documentary and promptly gave more of my clothes and belongings to charity ( I may have overdone it actually!). It has helped me look at other aspects of my life and see where I can make changes and consequently appreciate life that bit more. As one of the guys says at the end of the documentary “love people and use things because the opposite never works”. Minimalism is available on Netflix.


That was it – my mind was off whirring away. For a while I had been wondering that by making and selling my own products, was I a cog in the wheel of consumption? However, I also know that my products are different to many others. As you will see when you look at any of our product ingredients, we only use, pure, organic, natural & vegan products. Never anything else. This, we believe is our unique selling point. We truly care about the whole process. When someone purchases our products the oceans aren’t being polluted, the ground and plants used to grow the ingredients aren’t being pumped full of pesticides.


This can only be beneficial to our planet, of which there is no spare one in reserve. So my conclusion is that NO! I am not a cog in the wheel of consumption. We are here to make the world a kinder, cleaner and happier place!