What does Vegan mean?


We occasionally receive emails from people asking about our animal testing policy and whether or not we sell to China. You will see on our home page and throughout our website that we are a vegan business & are Vegan Society registered. This means that our products do not contain any animal ingredients & are never tested on animals. We would simply not be allowed to hold this registration otherwise. The business is owned and run by me, Mary-Anne. I have been vegan for over 10 years and started this business because of my veganism and organic lifestyle.



Products sold within the European Union are not allowed to be tested on animals. However, if a company chooses to sell their products to China as well, then they are required to test the products on animals. For this reason alone, we will NEVER sell to China. In addition, some businesses may not test on animals themselves but they may be owned by a company who does test on animals.   This will NEVER happen to us!


So, please be assured, we take veganism very seriously! We are here to be kind to all beings.

We only hold the Vegan Society registration and not any others because to us, this covers it all. Some companies may hold a registration that shows their products are not tested on animals yet the products contain animal ingredients. In our world, this is incongruous to kindness. Our products are all made with kindness.


Thank you.


For more information on switching to a vegan lifestyle, this article contains lots of useful tips and advice.