Natural Shampoo


As many of you will be aware, we have very strong beliefs about skin care. We believe our products are unique because we use as few ingredients as we can, organic where possible (if it’s not organic, it’s because it is an ingredient that has not been grown and simply exists, like salt and clay), we never use preservatives. We believe simple is best. Why use ten ingredients when you can use two.

Clever marketing techniques have brainwashed us into believing that for a soap, shower gel or shampoo to work, it MUST foam or lather. WRONG! Foam mainly means skin-irritating chemicals and generally on the high street, you’ll find that equates to sodium lauryl sulphate. Also known as engine degreaser. Still want to wash your hair with engine degreaser?



It’ll take years for the truth to be widely realised but it will happen. People are becoming increasingly aware of the ‘nasties’ that can be found in 95% plus of skincare products. We could easily make a shampoo that could be classed as organic and still foams but we won’t. Why? Because we’d be letting ourselves and you down. We only make products that we believe are truly effective and are made of organic, natural and pure ingredients; and nothing else.

Mother nature provides us with all that we need and soapnuts are one of nature’s best! Without them we doubt we’d have been able to create a shampoo we are so very proud of. Unconventional is definitely the word that describes our new shampoo; a powder that you ‘Just Add Water’ to thereby creating a paste, then massage in and rinse off, just as you normally do. There’s no foam. It’s been described as rubbing sand into your hair BUT it works, it really does! We’ve had excellent feedback so far. The only ‘negative’, if you can call it that, is that some people find the sensation really weird and occasionally off -putting. They still say it leaves their hair soft, clean and shiny!!! So again, convention is to blame!!


Soap nuts of soap berries from trees grown natively in India and Nepal


Imagine this scenario: you had never used a shampoo before and were given our ‘Just Add Water’ Shampoo and a high street, chemical laden one, both leaving your hair feeling clean. Then you were told, one of these is made by natural, organic ingredients that gently but effectively cleans your hair without stripping away its natural oils and the other contains a main ingredient that can also be used to degrease car engines which is also a known skin irritant (amongst other worrying detrimental effects claimed), which would you choose? Remember, 60% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body.

We know it’s unconventional but we hope that our shampoo will soon be recognised as the way forward in hair care! If we believe something is bad and has a negative effect on your health, we won’t try and sell that very thing to you! We have morals after all! We like to pave new paths and stand out as being different, in a positive way! So, we’ll continue not to conform!